Thursday, June 10, 2010


Our summer started off great last week but took a definite turn for the worse this week with a little visit from the stomach flu. It has hit Luke the hardest. As I type he is making his 5th trip to the bathroom since he has been trying to go to bed. The pukes started on Monday, and the fun just keeps on coming for him. He has lost weight after keeping nothing down and having bad stomach pain for days. I feel bad for him. We woke up to Seth puking everywhere this morning, but his case seems to be much milder. I'm just hoping the rest of us can somehow escape without getting sick.

Now on a brighter note: Luke celebrated his 6th birthday last week. It's bittersweet to see the kid who first made you a mom growing up so fast. He's a great kid, and I'm so proud of him. We had a great birthday week, and I'll post about that once we all get over this mess! I thought I'd just quickly throw up (no pun intended) a few baby pics of Luke. It's fun (for me) to take a stroll down memory lane and look at how far he's come.

At age 6, Luke:
  • Loves his family. He is such a fun, loving kid, and he lets all of us know how much we mean to him.
  • Loves to play outside--riding bikes (his new bike will be featured in the next post), jumping on the tramp, playing basketball or just about any other sport.
  • Loves goldfish crackers. They're still his favorite after all of these years.
  • Loves playing with friends. Luke is quite social and has a fun personality. He kills me with his sarcasm and sometimes quite advanced sense of humor.
  • Loves to learn about animals and knows lots of random facts.
  • Loves learning and has become a great little reader, speller, and writer. His handwriting is probably neater than mine when he tries.
  • Loves to tease. Seth is usually the recipient of this. Although they fight they also spend hours playing together and are great friends.

Awww... love this kid. He really doesn't change too much from year to year now. He just gets a little taller and a little skinnier. I'll upload those new 6-year-old pics when I'm not so tired. Here's to hoping Luke can start enjoying his summer vacation soon!


Julie said...

Cute pics! It is funny how they change so much but not so much in the same sense.

I am sorry to hear things got worse at your house. Please let me know if I can do anything to help.

Anonymous said...

Yuck! I hope everyone gets feeling better soon. Luke's baby pictures are adorable.

KW said...

I love the first of summer break, I think it always brings a bug to our house too! happy B-day Luke :) Hope everyone gets feeling better.

jami v. said...

wow ... he's so cute. i love looking back at those pics. i can't believe our boys are getting so old. i hope mr luke feels better soon ... no fun just visiting the bathroom on a summer break.