Sunday, October 20, 2013

Busy Busy

Since school started life has been so busy.  Too busy.  A lot of it is temporary though which is helping me maintain sanity most days.  I spend so much time driving around right now.  Taking the kids to school in the morning is around a 45 minute round trip for me.  Afterschool, depending on what we have going on, I either pick them up at school or their bus stop in Wellsville--that's another 30-45 minute round trip.  Once a week Luke and Seth take piano lessons from our new neighbor so on that day we kill time at our lot or over at the neighbor's house until it's time and then for an hour during lessons.  Everywhere we go I have to bring snacks, changes of clothes etc. so that we can go straight to soccer practices or something else.  Luke has changed in the bathroom at Heritage Park in Nibley at least once a week since school started.  I have used the public outdoor restroom by the Stake Center in Wellsville numerous times on my way from point A to point B.  I feel like we live in the van...not down by a river, but wherever we happen to be.  We're transients!

There are lots of days I've had to leave the house in the morning with all the kids and myself ready for the entire day and all the snacks, gear, etc. we need for numerous activities.  That is not easy for me!  The kids and I have "killed time" in parks all over the valley on our way to soccer when we don't have time to come back to Providence first.  It has been crazy.  I will be so glad to have the bus again and send the kids off to school without loading up the littles every single day!  I am also in the Primary Presidency now and Jer is the Executive Secretary.  We both really like our callings, but they are really busy and we have to commute to them.  Now that our Primary presentation is over things have settled down a bit.  I now get the kids ready for church solo, but that hasn't been nearly as bad as I thought it would be.  I have also been doing some freelance writing gigs to make some extra cashola in addition to my online classes I teach, and in a ridiculous move I signed up for my second to last class towards my master's degree.  I'll be honest, I am not good at keeping quite this many balls up in the air when you add all the stuff that goes along with building a house to it (there are a million errands to run and things to choose)...and the fact that Jer is almost never home between work and the house.  Ugh!  I am not cut out for single parenting, and I am counting down until we are settled again.

I have had some serious blond moments lately.  I've done more ditzy things the last month than in my entire life.  Like the time I got Seth all dressed for soccer and took him to the right field at the right time except it was actually Ian's practice. So Seth played on the playground and Ian went out and practiced soccer in his jeans. Or the time I had the wrong time in my calendar so Ian and I showed up to his soccer game at 12 instead of 10.  Or the time I went to my Primary meeting at the wrong time.  I really upped the ante on that one when after the meeting (second time I went at the right time) I ran out of the house without Leah!  Don't worry I remembered and ran right back in but seriously!

I'm sure I will look at this time someday and laugh.  Thankfully a lot of the busyness will go away when we move in, and I will have Jer back.  I'm looking forward to having a bit more time and saving some gas and wear and tear on the poor van soon.  Our painter blew us off and messed up our schedule (a lot), but we got someone new and he's on the job.  He seems slower than cold tar, but I'm praying for a Thanksgiving miracle!


Julie said...

I am sorry things are so crazy! You are amazing and can handle it all :) I hope your house is done early so you can get settled. I am not ever going to quit saying that we miss you because we still do. Take care!

jami v. said...

ah ... so sorry for the craziness of life. hang in there! and i'm crossing my fingers the house is finished asap. because when we come for xmas i'm going to be dying to see your cute family, and have a tour of course. :)
hugs ... you can do it!!!