Sunday, December 7, 2008


Well, I have a quick announcement to make. I was going to put up the ultrasound picture and all, but I haven't quite got around to it. The week before Thanksgiving was crazy busy with our doctor appointment, making cookies, decorating the house, a great Thanksgiving with Jer's family, Black Friday shopping, and preparing for our trip. Yes, Jer and I went on a trip without our kids the weekend after Thanksgiving, and we had a blast. (Post of that to come.) Since we rolled in at 3 am Friday morning it has been a series of get togethers to prepare for, a preschool program, Sunday School to name it. So without further adieu here it is...we are having....a boy!

I am so excited. I think other people are disappointed for me, but I am not. As soon as she said it was a boy I knew it was meant to be. My boys are so fun, and it will be crazy to add another to the mix. I hope I can keep up!

Since I skipped a Thanksgiving post, I can't go without mentioning how grateful I am for the little people in my life. (And of course Jer, but he'll be featured in my vacation post.)

December 7, 2007
I also can't go without mentioning that today is the one-year anniversary of our temple sealing with Seth. That is one of the most amazing things that has ever happened to me, and I can't believe it's been a whole year. November was National Adoption Month, and I was going to post about it because it's something near and dear to my heart and I love to talk about it. I'm going to have to catch that one later too.

Anyway, this is my random way of catching up on the last few weeks without blabbing on forever. It has been crazy but great. I love this time of year!!! I will definitely post all about our trip soon and try to get an ultrasound photo on with the telltale part in clear view!!


Shera said...

Congrats on having a little boy!! That will be so much fun to have 3 little boys so close in age!

jilljohnson said...

Boys are great! I really want to see and hear about your trip to help me prepare!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, you guys are going to have so much fun.

Erica said...

I may be a bit biased, but I think having 3 boys is absolutely fantastic! I am SO excited for you guys, and I can't wait to see this third little guy.

Jenny said...

Yea! How fun! I am so excited for you guys! When we found out we were having a girl, everyone was like, now you'll have one of each....but it didn't matter to me, just that we could have another baby was wonderful, I would take anything I could get :)

jami v. said...

yipee!!! mandy called and told me because you guys were gone! i'm SOOO excited for you, and the more i think about it, i would love another little boy too. while i grew up with all girls and was like "i can't be a mom of two boys. i don't know what to do with boys!" i'm feeling like a little girl would throw me for a loop -- but a baby is a baby and so i'm all good and i'm SOOOOO excited for you guys!! :)

i love the quick catch up post. you do have amazing little people at your house. :) and so cute ... and the picture of you with jer and seth at the temple made me cry. i can't believe it's been a year either. :) amazing ...

love you guys TONS AND TONS and we can't wait to see you!!!

KW said...

Congrats Jen! I'm so excited for you.

Becky S. said...

Don't you mean you'll have four boys (um..Jer) That is wonderful news. I'm glad that you had a great trip.

Megan said...

Congratulations! Boys are so much fun!

Marie Rose said...

Hoorray!!! Congrats! I don't know if you know this or not but my husband's family has all boys. Yup, three brothers and 7 nephews... so I'm getting pretty good with his boy thing. They are looking to me to bring girls into the family but we'll just have to wait and see. Your little boy is going to be so cute. I can't wait to see him!

Shea, Kim, Hunter, Reagan, Samantha said...

Yea a boy!!! How fun...three little boys. I head the pre-school program was cute. Samantha was devestated that she had stomach flu. Hope you trip was fun. Can't wait to hear all about it.

My Life I tell ya said...

Congratulations on the baby!! Boys are so fun. Hey I'm coming at Christmas. It would be so fun to get the roommates together. It has been sooooo long. Good luck with the next few months.

Mandy said...

I can't believe Seth is getting so old! Time flies...he'll seem even bigger when the baby comes! Congrats...and we need to stop saying we're getting together adn really do it!

Burbank Family said...

Congrats on the boy the girls are excited to have another cousins to play with. It will make the girls tough to have to play with boys.

TamiJenson said...

I am so excited for you that you are having a healthy boy.. It is always funny what other people think. Those of us who have a hard time getting pregnant are just grateful to be growing a baby.. Plus I think boys are fun and your boys are adorable:)

Julie said...

We are so excited for you! Three boys will definitely keep you busy (not that you are not already). I am glad you guys had a fun trip... maybe someday Jason will see the value in travel.