Monday, November 8, 2010

Halloween and Stuff

October went by in a blur.  I didn't take very many pictures, but we did do a few fun things inbetween the regular, everyday stuff.  Right now Seth is on my lap and we are jamming out to the Chipmunks.  If you are tempted to download that for your kids just be prepared to listen to it--a lot!!  It's also snowing huge flakes outside!  Last week I was wearing shorts and doing yard work.  Ready or not I think winter is coming.

A trip to the dino park in Ogden on a sunny day.

An outing to pick out some pumpkins.  We got awesome ones for dirt cheap and both painted and carved some.  Seth could care less about carving, but he is into smearing on lots of paint.
Seth still loves Ms. Jenny's preschool and had a very fun Halloween party.  He went in costume, but I took a picture of him in his spider hat later.  I also got to go help with Luke's class party.  I was in charge of games.  We played wrap the mummy and make the zomby laugh.  I think all the kids had fun.  I actually dressed up and didn't take a picture for the second year in a row!  Thanks to my friend Cami for being my costume hook up.  I would be in big trouble without her help.
Mandy and I took the boys (and Gentry) to the fall farm festival for the third year running.  They took away a lot of the fun stuff this year like the crazy slide, but the kids didn't really seem to notice and had lots of fun anyway.

Ian made a little farm friend.
The train now has this tiny little caboose.
I really tanked on Halloween pictures.  The ones I did take were pretty much terrible.  We went to our ward trunk or treat and party and by then it was pouring rain.  We trick or treated a few houses after that including our annual stop to my Aunt Julie's house.
Luke had his heart set on being a ninja this year, but we couldn't find a costume that he loved that much.  Seth also wanted to be a red ninja.  With the help of Luke's old karate pants we figured something out for Seth.  I decided to get some fabric for Luke's costume.  By the time the pattern came from Ebay it was kind of last minute but his Grandma Cid whipped it out for him, and he was so excited that she made it.  Thanks Cid!  He loved it, and he really thought it was special that his grandma made it for him.  Ian was a stinkin' cute puffy dragon.

Last Sunday we went down to my mom's house for her annual Halloween dinner.  As usual she went all out to make it fun for the kids.  I didn't take a single picture, but it was really cute.  She made up a really fun treasure hunt with rhyming clues that Luke read and the kids followed around to find some little prizes and they had a blast.  It was a great day with way too much candy consumed by all.  I owe my mom a special post all of her own just for all of her help this past weekend.  I was sick which isn't that big of deal but Jer was out of town, Ian had the pukes, and I had basketball games, church responsibilities, and no way to be two places at one time, so she was a huge help.  Thanks're the best! 


Marie Rose said...

so cute! I love Ian's little face. I can't believe winter is coming either. Sunday was SO nice and then BAM here comes winter!

Julie said...

Cute pictures! I am sorry you had a rough weekend- you should have called me! It is fun watching Max and Luke get so excited to practice basketball.