Thursday, September 19, 2013

Phone Dump

A few random phone pics...

 Summer picnic for our international adoption group here in Cache Valley.

 First day of school as they entered the building!

 There are tons of deer that hang out behind my grandpa's shop and into our yard.  This brave little fawn was right up on the deck.

 Pack meeting at the armory was quite a hit.  All of the boys had a blast climbing in and out of the vehicles and throwing imaginary grenades at each other.

 Labor Day in Wellsville.  It was rainy, but we had a fun day.  We ran into the Saunders on our way to the sham battle and spent the afternoon with cousins at Jodi and Jeff's house.  A very fun tradition especially since we are about to be official Wellsvilleites.


Julie said...

I love seeing these pictures- I am glad you keep your blog updated. Could I hire you to update mine? Leah looks so grown up. They all look so big! I can't believe how quickly time speeds by.

jami v. said...

love it!!!