Monday, October 13, 2008

Long Time No Post

Well, I'm still in a blogging slump. I can't think of anything, or I don't have the desire, or maybe both to blog right now. I'm still having fun reading everyone else's though. Here' are a few pics from the last few weeks of our lives. We are busy as ever. Luke is doing great at preschool now. He has made some friends he talks about a lot, and he tells me he and his friends chases girls at school. Jer asked him what he did when he caught them, and he said they didn't because the girls were usually too fast. I know part of it involves pretending he's a tiger--what a ladies man. Seth is growing like a weed and except for the case of the runs he's had for 2 weeks now is doing great. He is so snuggly and cute and makes everyone happy with the big, sloppy kisses he gives. I am feeling kind of tired and frumpy, but we did have an ultrasound last week and saw our baby--and it actually looked like a baby! That was great. I'm almost through my 1st trimester and almost have no jeans that will button up. Bring on the elastics. Here are a few other things we've been up to....

Luke in a rare crafting moment. He is rarely interested in stuff like this--and only if it involves mess.

Seth gives me this look I thought was reserved for teenagers.

Luke at the he growing up on me?

Chilling with the tigers...Luke's favorite.

Seth and I on the train. We were right behind the conductor and ate exhaust the whole way.

Luke thoroughly checking out all of the zoo merchandise.

Our attempt at a picture featuring all four of us.

Take 2.

Take 3. We give up. I'm not sure who was worse...Jer and I or the kids. We will not be winning any prizes for our photegenicness. (That may not be a real word).
That's all for now. We had snow here this morning. Luke was bundled up and out there first thing. It melted quickly, but I guess that means winter is coming.


jilljohnson said...

I agree I have had a slump lately too. The pictures are sure cute of your little boys. They are so fun and cute to be around.

jami v. said...

thanks for finally posting :) i miss knowing what's going on with you and jer and seeing the boys. :) they are growing up so very fast. i can't believe how tall luke is getting! wow!!! :) and you are right- that look of seth's is VERY much a teenager look. you'd better watch out! :) sorry you're feeling tired and frumpy - but what a good cause! can't wait to see the baby bump in dec.!!!xoxoxoxo

Kimberlee said...

I love the Zoo. I love the family picture, take 1,2 and 3. Seth is growing up so fast, I can't believe how big he is. Luke is so cute in his paint or whatever that is. He looks very concentrated!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the family pictures! Your boys are so cute. I love the teenager look Seth is giving you.

Julie said...

I think you look great! The pictures of your boys are darling. I wish Max would pose for me but all he does is pull faces. I have to leave comments for you here because I don't see you enough!