Friday, March 6, 2009

Man Cubs and Impossibilities

A few days ago I put Jungle Book on for my boys, so I could attempt to clean up the house. About a minute into it Luke looked at me and said, "Me and Seth are both man cubs." Yep. We know man cubs around this house. It's snowing outside, but the other day it was actually sunny and warm outside and we took advantage. We took a walk in the stroller, scootered, biked...come on spring!!!!

Check out Seth's ears. Jer brought the boys shirts and hats from his annual Targhee trip, and they love them. Seth's had to be cinched way down to fit and now it folds his ears over. Luke wore his getup for show and tell and wants to wear it everyday.

Tired man cub.

These towels or "capes" from grandma have been a big hit around our house.

Now on a side note. I've been thinking a lot about pregnancy lately and am starting to get really antsy for the end. Here are a few things that are gradually becoming impossibilities:
**Shaving my legs--that's a little overrated in the winter anyway, right? I can still do it, but it pretty much cuts off blood flow back to my head while I'm at it.
**Really anything to do with my feet--I think they're still down there somewhere. Slipping my shoes on is easy (when my feet aren't fat) but clipping/painting toenails...that's another story. Guess I need a pedicure.
**Rolling over in bed at night. This is the most painful thing I do due to the intense groin pain I have while pregnant. Am I alone in that symptom? I had it with Luke also but this time I started around 5 months.
**Go through the day without getting my shirt dirty. My belly is just out there to catch stuff on.
**Make it for any reasonable amount of time without going to the bathroom.
**Wear my wedding ring. My ring hasn't fit since December, and my fingers are numb and stiff all the time.
**Get into my car. This isn't usually a problem, but the other day at the store I came out and the car next to me had left almost no room to get my door open. Come on people! I seriously barely squeezed in. Sucking in is not an option.
**Remember anything. I swear I'm operating on half a brain right now.
Due to the half-brain, I can't think of anything else right now. You get the idea though. Just some of the little joys of pregnancy. Seriously though I am so grateful. This was a long time coming, and we are all so excited for the baby's arrival. I see people at the store look at me with my boys and then at my belly, and I can tell they think I'm a Fertile Myrtle or something. Little do they know! It's so exciting to be able to say that I'm having my baby next month--I can handle that!


jami v. said...

great pictures ... and i can sympathize with you on your entire list! :) even the rolling over (which i don't remember being so painful previously, but then again my mind is going, so maybe i've just forgotten.)

great shots of the "man cubs" in your house :)

Anonymous said...

Your boys are so cute. We had such a good time with them the other day. I too had horrible groin pain when I was pregnant. It made the pregnant waddle really bad.

Megan said...

Oh man. Your list made me remember how miserable that last month (or more) of pregnancy is. Rolling over in bed practically requires a hoist.

Shea, Kim, Hunter, Reagan, Samantha said...

Cute Man Cubs...I saw Luke at preschool last week (Samantha went one afternoon because I had to take Hunter to the Dr.) and Luke was a bird. He wouldn't speak to me he just chirped...cracked me up!! Samantha explained that Luke was a bird for the day!!

Anonymous said...

I am glad I am not the only one that suffered with that pain! Mine started at about 4.5 months. You are the first person I know of that has had it!! I was told it is really rare. Shad told me I would moan at night because of it. We are excited for you! PS if you don't have our blog it is!

Audrey, Shad and Brinley

Julie said...

Hey Jen! Cute pictures of your cute boys. I am excited for you to have another. You are going to have your hands full but you are amazing and will do great. I am sorry you are miserable. Only a few more weeks!

Marie Rose said...

you crack me up. I about fell off my chair on the shaving comment. oh man! I love your cubs...I love it! Well, I'm sorry your groin hurts and you can't keep up proper maintenance with your feet. Isn't it like pregnancy 101 to get as many pedicures as you can while pregnant? I think you should look into that! Well, good luck with this last month. Before you know it your little baby will be two and you'll wonder what it was like to be pregnant.