Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Big Boys and a Baby Boy

I haven't felt much like blogging lately, but we have had a lot going on. Most of it has been routine everyday stuff with a few traumas of the five and two-year-old variety thrown in there to spice things up. I have been kicking myself for taking two classes this semester and struggling to get my school work done here and there when I have the time and motivation to do it. Let's just say my interest level and therefore the quality of work I produced on "gray wolves as an endangered species" left something to be desired for my current issues project. I assure you that topic was assigned. Luckily I only have a few weeks of class left, and I am so excited for this holiday season to begin.

I didn't like this show much, but Zoolander? This child is perhaps the most stubborn, independent 2-year-old out there. He insists on dressing himself complete with belt daily and changes his clothes often...usually into shorts and his beloved "Targhee" t-shirt. He now hides to do his #2s, so we are definitely still in pull-ups. That one doesn't concern me too much yet. When I do find out what he's doing and ask him if he did his business he will say, "little poop" as if that makes it better. He also says "oh my gosh" a lot now which I'm trying to steer him away from. He is everywhere and into everything and amazes me at the things he figures out. Lately he includes "President Mon-un" (Monson) and "President Eyeking" (Eyring) in his prayers quite often.

Seth and his beloved "Lukey." I think these two have a pretty typical brother relationship. Luke torments Seth a lot and Seth overreacts a lot, but they do love to be together.

This guy is just plain cute and almost always happy!

The boys have enjoyed the little snow storms we have had. The very first snow didn't last long, but they were out with the neighbor kids playing and building snow men. They would not take my advice about winter clothing so Luke wore a sweatshirt, cowboy boots, and gardening gloves. Seth also sported a sweatshirt along with rubber galoshes. They are now believers in parkas. Luke has already sledded down "the hole" in our backyard and has big plans for it when there's more snow.

I love how babies put so much effort and concentration into grabbing things at this stage. Watching Ian reach out for a graham cracker or pick up a piece of cereal is entertaining. It is serious business for him.

"Mr. Cute" as Luke calls him. He has a combination inch worm/army crawl/roll that gets him just about anywhere. Just today he started getting up on his hands and knees and rocking...boo...I don't want him to grow up so quickly!

What is missing here? Snow? A hill?

No matter.

This child can push all my buttons and then some I didn't even know I had, but he is also so irresistible. He is incredibly sweet and loving, and I am so proud of what a big kid and big brother he is becoming. I'm amazed at how much he has grown up already this school year. He got his swine flu shot today at school like a trooper. The kid before him went into hysterics so I was concerned, but he held tough! He sometimes sounds like he's 5 going on 50 with all the "actually"s and "certainly"s he can throw into a sentence.


jami v. said...

i love this update. i love your boys. they are so very cute!! i can't believe how ian looks JUST like his dad - and i LOVE that you have seth to keep you on your toes. he reminds me SO much of mr cole! glad you have one at your house too!! :) happy turkey week. love you!!

Marie Rose said...

I love it. You're boys are so cute.

jtandj said...

So cute! Ian=Jer! That's all I can say. I slcaked at the gym this week, I will see you next week for sure!!

BeckyB.West said...

Life sounds busy for you guys, especially if you're taking classes. You are super mom:) I love your honesty in your postings- it's nice to know that I'm not the only mother whose buttons get pushed their fair share. Your boys are darling, though. I can't imagine that they'd ever give you any trouble:)

Mandy said...

Cute pictures! I think it's my kids goal to intentionally push every button I have before 8am on a regular basis. :) But...it's hard not love how sweet they are too. Ian is adorable...please keep praying my next is so good like he is! And..it's true, he is such a Jer clone! WOW!!!