Sunday, September 16, 2012

Little Wooden Rocker

When I was a little girl my parents got me this brown rocking chair. They kept it around all these years, and I had my mom bring it over last week when she came to visit.  Leah looked so cute after church today I took her out for a few shots in the little rocker. I often run out on this road near my house and it's kind of a neat spot, so we headed out while the light lasted.  She was a fairly cooperative model although I probably had more blurry shots of her running away than anything.  She also has a bit of a drooling problem right now!  I'm so glad to have this little piece of my childhood to give to if it can just survive her brothers.  I truly am blessed to have a daughter.  Hearing this little girl call me "mama" makes my day, everyday!


jami v. said...

I can't believe how big she is!! And so beautiful!

BeckyB.West said...

These pictures are so sweet. Leah is beautiful, we need to come and visit you guys and meet her. Glad you're enjoying her!