Sunday, September 30, 2012

At Home With Leah

I've never really taken any pictures of Leah in her room just doing her everyday stuff—partly due to my fear of taking pictures indoors which I'm starting to get over. When I heard Leah happy in her crib after her nap I headed in with my camera and caught her in action—bedhead and all.

This crib is on round four and still beautiful, but the black and white is a little easier on the eyes.

I love that she has a real life double chin these days!

The green nursery walls are the same that we chose when we built this house while we were waiting on Seth's adoption but now it looks like a little girl's room.  I have rocked all four of my babies in that very green chair!  I need to take a picture of the white wall behind the crib to demonstrate Jer's handiwork.  I literally found a picture in a Pottery Barn catalog of a nursery wall like two days before we painted and asked him to replicate it—and he did!  The Leah chair used to say "Luke," and we got it re embroidered.  I do have a few pictures on the walls and one of these days I'm going to get around to framing and hanging the prints I bought in China.  The best part is that Leah loves her room.  She feels comfortable here.  She loves sleeping in her bed (now a port-a-crib on a vacation is a different story) and every morning she wants her blanket to come out with her to give me some snuggles.  After that she's on the go every second, so I have to take advantage of the moment.


Julie said...

Love the pictures! Leah is so darling and so lucky to have you as her mom!

jami v. said...

Your pictures are great- but what an adorable little subject :) you are so good to take the time to snap away. My camera spends too much time on the shelf.

Mandy said...

I just got caught up on your blog. I haven't been blogging or reading blogs for months! Your pictures are should really start taking people's pics...they're amazing! I love the ones of Leah and the rocking chair and in her room. Well done! And..thanks for the post about finding JOY. It was something I needed to read! And I visited your friends blog and needed kleenex...what an amazing family! Ok..longest comment ever...but I love reading about your cute fam. Time to get together!!