Sunday, July 28, 2013

Summer Sports

The boys played rec t ball and baseball this year and had fun.  Luke has never had any interest in baseball before at all, but he had quite a bit of fun.  He caught on pretty quick and made some good plays including an awesome catch at shortstop.  It was fun to watch them, and I was glad the season was short and sweet!  They had tons of support from their grandparents as usual!


Back in June, Luke and Seth did a day football camp at USU.  They had fun and looked pretty cute!

The boys have also done swim lessons, Seth did a little fun and fitness camp, Luke did a mini basketball camp, and Luke is playing soccer again next year so he had tryouts and is practicing this summer.  It has been busy!  Despite all that we've still had a lot of time around here doing chores, reading, trips to the library, the dreaded "school work" as the kids call it, and all of the other basic routine stuff.  It has not all been fun and games!  The kids have spent more time just with each other than ever before because my grandma's house is not in a kid neighborhood.  We've had our moments, which are mostly scuffles between Luke and Seth, but they've spent a lot of quality time together too. It's going to be a bit of a rude awakening so start going to bed early and getting up early and being back on a strict schedule here in less than a month when school starts!

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