Thursday, November 13, 2008


It's been kind of a boring week around here with Jer away for work, but of course my kids have kept things interesting. Jer told Luke he was going to Orlando for work and to give him some context he told him it was where we went to Disneyworld. Luke took that pretty literally and for the first few days was telling me and anyone else that his dad was "working at Disneyworld." That just kind of made me laugh. I was picturing Jer taking tickets, or dressed up like Donald Duck, or making little animals out of balloons...the possibilities are endless.

Luke has quite the vocabulary and sometimes the words he uses kill me, but I'm glad to say that there are some things he still says just like a 4-year-old. In the morning he's ready for "breafask", he likes to eat "hangleburgs", he enjoys being "drifferent", loves a good "pupcake", and can't wait to hang up some Christmas "instruments" (we got that one cleared up now).

I agree with my friend Jami that preschool teachers are going straight to heaven. Luke comes home with the funniest stories. When he brought his school picture home I finally got to see the kids he's been telling me about especially his buddies Euwin and Kaden. (I have no idea how to spell Euwin.) There's a kid in his class named Mark Jr. I think Luke thinks that his last name. He has also told me tons about a character named Nick who never earns any stickers, slapped Fay upside the head, etc. When he showed me who Nick was I cracked up. He's by far the tiniest kid. That's the class bully??

Well, little kids are lots of fun. I want to pull my hair out sometimes (if you're a mom and you don't I totally don't relate), but I also can't stand how fast my kids are growing up on me and wish I could slow it down sometimes. For now it's nice to have a preschooler who still tells me he loves me all the time, says I'm fun to play with, and isn't embarrassed to leave the house in all sorts of crazy getups. It will be sad when he starts thinking I'm not very cool and worrying about what everyone else thinks about him. I can see why we're all supposed to be more like little children.


jami v. said...

it's so true ... all of it! :) i'm glad too (most of the time :) ) to have the little people in my house and love that they still think i'm pretty fun to be around. i'll be sad too, one day, when cole feels too cool to be around me. ... so i guess i'd better enjoy it all - the good and the bad. :)

ps- i LOVE LOVE that the bully is the little kid. cracks me up!! preschool really is a funny place. i think if i were the teacher (ok, maybe just an observer for a day - :) ) i would be laughing my head off. :)

Judd Pickett said...

Luke has some good ones. Aria pretty much only has "pattruhn" for pattern. Summer on the other hand takes some pretty keen interpretation to understand. Ellie claims I not only have a Utah accent but also can't spell or pronunciate words properly. I'll admit to saying "wheelbarrel," but I also proudly claim victory over her on this spelling test