Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Buzz Boys

The summer is flying by. I can't believe June is almost over. Despite the rain, we've managed to have lots of fun playing outside. About the only nice day we had last week we had practically the whole neighborhood over here slip 'n sliding with us and the kids had a blast. The boys and their friends are plowing through the Otter Pops at light speed. Luke and Seth are becoming such good little buddies, and it is so fun to watch them playing together. Amost anytime Seth gets hurt (even sometimes if Luke was the cause) he wants Luke to give him a "hu" (hug) and kiss it better. He is such a little copycat of everything his brother does, and he's picked up words like "cool" and "hey dude". We've been talking to Luke about being a good example because he sure has a little follower!

Since my boys always look like they have bedhead, we decided to buzz their hair off for the summer. I was a little nervous about it, but Jer was totally stoked. He hates when he has gel duty on Sunday morning. Luke doesn't look too much different, but it changed Seth a lot. His hair looks a lot lighter, and he somehow looks older and bigger (not something he exactly struggles with anyway)! I was doing double takes the first few days, but I'm used to it now and think they look so cute. Jer also has very short hair and Ian hasn't grown any yet, so I live with a whole family of bald men! I need to get a shot of Jer with all his buzz boys soon...maybe when I get around to that Father's Day post!

P.S. Don't worry--Luke does not have a horrible eye injury or anything, he is just patching again this summer. It went less than smooth the first week, but he has resigned himself to the fact that he has to do it now and even reminds me in the morning. It is only for 3-4 hours a day and hopefully by August his eyes will be equally strong.


jilljohnson said...

I love the shaved heads. You are right Seth does look way different!

jami v. said...

what cute baldies! :) i'm not going to show jason or he'll get ideas for his boys!! :) can't wait to see you!!

jtandj said...

They are so adorable! I love the hair, I was to squeeze them all.

Bear River Photographic Society said...

they look so good and it does make Seth look older, Jer has this thing with shaved heads i remember him shaving TJ's

Mandy said...

THey look so cute! I'm tempted to do that too, since my boys hair never gets done in the summer.... but I like Jace with hair! :) Cute pictures!

Marie Rose said...

seth does look way older but he sure is cute. I love your boys and need to see them! Why do we have to live on opposite ends of the state? Okay not really but it does feel like it!