This is one of the few pics I could get Luke to pose for after his preschool singing program. Everytime I asked him what songs they were singing his reply was, "I don't know." I was a little worried, but he did great--quite the ham. I wonder where he gets that from? Each child said their name into the microphone and when it was his turn he enunciated his entire name in the deepest, loudest voice. As for the actual singing he sang the ones he liked and looked bored through the others while enduring a look that could kill from the girl who sat next to him.
Our annual trip with my family to SLC. This trip included shopping, lounging around at the hotel, swimming for Luke and Jer, seeing the lights at Temple Square, and enjoying the amazing brunch. Thanks mom and dad for the fun tradition!
Brunch was not complete without cookies and ice cream and a visit from Santa.
We attempted to take a photo for our Christmas card. I did end up with one cute shot that most of you have seen. Here are a few of the rejects. They mostly involved Seth trying to leave the picture and Luke attempting to force him into submission. Reality but not very holidayish.
Seth's "cheese." I just love those teeth.
Being a glutton for punishment, I attempted to take a pic of the boys in their Sunday best the Sunday before Christmas. I didn't have a whole lot of success at this shoot either. I finally ended up taking some pictures of them sitting under the tree eating all of the treats they acquired at Primary. Luke said the theme in Primary--he even memorized it despite not wanting to practice much--and I was so proud of him.
We've had a ton of snow the last few weeks, and Luke has been loving it. As you can see it is dark, and he still would not come inside. Only at threat of losing his sled the next day did he obey. The next morning by 7 am he was in my room asking me when he and Max (his friend next door) could sled again.
We spent Christmas Eve with my family. We have always had a party with extended family that has evolved over the years. For the past few years we have gotten together with my aunt and her kids and their kids. It is a great time.
Seth is neutral towards sitting with Santa. He does always tell you "ho ho ho" if you ask him what Santa says though.
Luke on the other hand loved it and cheesed it.
The kids did a program including a nativity scene. Seth was "the star." He came out and stood so quietly--treat in hand--and really did a great job. His cute cousin Andrew is the sheep.
Luke and Samantha were Joseph and Mary this year. That Broncos robe Luke is wearing used to belong to my cousin Ryan and has been in the costume bag for about 20 years.
Christmas morning. My parents spent it with us, and we had a great time opening gifts and eating breakfast. Luke was pretty excited at what his robot can do. The only thing he asked for was a "fire gun with fire bullets," and he seemed to think the Star Wars gun Santa brought was sufficient.
We spent the rest of Christmas day with Jer's family and ended up driving home in a crazy blizzard. All of the kids got stick horses (among other things) and had a lot of fun. Luke finally got those cowboy boots he has been asking for. Grandpa Boyd was all too happy to pick some out for him. What a great day and a wonderful time of year. Luke told me that Christmas is about "Jesus and Santa"--at least he got the order right! I hope everyone out there had a Merry Christmas too!