Sunday, August 3, 2008

We Have Embryos!

Saturday morning we got the call from the embryologist, and it was pretty good news. He said some of my eggs were immature, some were abnormal, but four fertilized and were developing into good embryos. He scheduled our transfer for Sunday morning but said he would call us back if he changed his mind. For IVF they either do 3-day transfers when the embryo is about 8 cells or 5 day transfers when the embryo is called a blastocyst which is a hollow ball of hundreds of cells. I was hoping for a day 5 transfer because if your embryos are making it until then that's a good sign plus they can establish which ones are best and transfer those.

We got home really late Saturday night from a fun day in Preston at Jer's class reunion, the parade, and rodeo. It was after midnight when we got everyone in bed, and we were all exhausted. I got up early to shower and get some stuff together for the kids but then the embryologist called back around 6 am and said all of our embryos were looking great, and we were going to wait until Tuesday for the transfer. I was really excited! In fact, one of the immature eggs matured and then fertilized, so now we have five. It is so amazing to me that embryos with DNA from Jer and I are sitting in a lab waiting to be transferred to me. I just hope those litte embies hang on! Being a biology person/teacher I've learned and taught about all of this stuff, but it is still totally amazing especially when it's happening to you.

After Tuesday we will have the dreaded two-week-wait until we go back for a pregnancy test. That's the part I'm looking forward to least. I am so glad we did this though. Regardless of the outcome it was worth it to try. I am just hoping and praying we have success. The whole process really hasn't been that bad. No physical pain can really match how bad it feels to be disappointed when you are not pregnant month after month. After 3+ years of trying it's worth it to go big. Thanks again for all the support. Keep praying that these little embies will like it in me and stay put! That's all for now.


Jenny said...

Yea! how exciting, I hope that things work out for you guys!! This is the other Jen Burbank by the way :) I am friends with Kim Adams and carpool with Amy taking K'Lee and my Seth to preschool (which starts up in another month)!! I will be praying for you guys and let us know what happens!!

Love, Jen Burbank

P.S. do you know Amy and TJ's blogging address?

I will need your e-mail address to send you an invite if you would like to see our blog (it's a private one) you can e-mail me at if you want.

Thanks again

Anonymous said...

That really is so incredible when you think about it. I've always wondered how exactly the process worked so its been nice to read about it in your blog. Good luck!

jilljohnson said...

That is great news. I saw Jer in the grocery store last week and he was so excieted about it all. You will have to keep us all updated. Are they still planning on putting 2 eggs in?

Kristy said...

We will definately be praying hard! I never took a home pregnancy test after Stella because of all the negative tests I had for years before she came along. I really will be praying that going big pays off!

Bear River Photographic Society said...

I am so excited for you guys and i will keep you in my prayers. please keep your blog up to date to let us know what is going on.


Mandy said...

I'm so glad they are doing well and you get to wait until tomorrow! Good news! :) I'll be happy to bring you movies or books or lunch while you're taking it easy the next few days! :)

Mandy said...
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KW said...

jen this is so awesome! I started tearing up reading your post. I'm so excited for you. Good luck!

jami v. said...

jenny...catch the prayers for those little embryos from clear out here. :) we love you guys so much and are so crossing our extremeties that all of this is going to turn out well. :) xoxoxo happy thoughts and lots of love coming your way!!

Marie Rose said...

Yea!!! I hope it works. I have my fingers crossed for you. I will keep you in my prayers. I can't wait to hear how it all goes...maybe you'll get a girl! She'll be soooo cute.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen. I don't have your e-mail address and I have some questions about IVF. Can you e-mail me at or just leave me your e-mail address in my blog. Thanks!