Sunday, July 27, 2008

Family Fun

Hi! I put these pics on a few days ago but never got around to writing anything. So it's actually Tuesday 7/29 and this is my newest post!

Before I get to the "family fun" here's a quick IVF update. I went in for another ultrasound and blood work today. Now 8 of my follicles are large enough that they will probably get mature eggs from them. I was a little worried that it was too few, but my doc reassured me that 8-12 is ideal. She says more is not always better because you can hyperstimulate. I had a blood estrogen done to verify that I'm ready. The girl taking my blood apologized that it was going to leave a bruise, and I told her no big deal it would match my stomach. I've actually felt really positive and had a sense of humor about most of this so that's been a plus. My blood work came back at the right levels, so our ER is now scheduled for Thursday morning. Jer just gave me my hCG injection to get my follicles ready to roll. He went home teaching, came home promptly at 8:45, and then had to go to his other home teaching appointment. We kind of laughed about him injecting and running, but there's really nothing to wait around for. I'm not sure I can do these intramuscular ones I'm starting. It's a big old needle that goes directly into the buttocks! Tomorrow is an injection free day--yea--my only one for weeks! I'm stoked. I'll update on Thursday after the retrieval and post a few pics I've taken of all my injection paraphernalia.

Now for the fun my kids have been having, especially with grandparents, the last week or so:

Last week Luke spent the night at Boyd and Cid's house. He had such a fun time. He helped grandma around the house, visited his great-grandparents, rode bikes with K'Lee, and fished! He and K'Lee fished in the pond (Jer's parents have a pond at their house--very fun), and then they got the boat out and went to Glendale to catch some bass. TJ and Amy went along on that little adventure, and they caught quite a few. Luke wanted to keep the ones he caught--not to eat though. They caught and released instead. Luke also went for a swim in the reservoir with grandpa and TJ. He had so much fun!!!

Jer, Seth, and I rode up Saturday afternoon to retrieve Luke. He didn't even care we'd been gone. Seth and Addison chilled at grandma's house for a while. They are cute together until they want the same thing!

Jer is really desperate to get in the water I guess, so he took his kayak out in his parent's pond to play around. Luke ran right over and hopped on when he got back from fishing.

A few days later I was visiting my parents, and my dad even took time off work to go to the Dinosaur Park with us for a while. Luke and my dad are feeding the ducks there.

Luke absolutely loved it. He ran from dino to dino saying "look at this one." Each one was just as exciting as the last. He also cheesed and posed for every pic I asked him too. Amazing.

We are riding a dino if you can't tell.

Seth liked the swings best.

Jer has been slaving away in the yard to finish the sprinklers. I am married to a hard-working man! It has been so hot and miserable for all of his outside work. We will have a lawn soon. The boys love being outside and Luke especially loves "working" with his dad. He thinks his dad is the best thing ever. The other night Jer helped a lady by jumping her battery while we waited in the car and Luke told me that "daddies can do everything." I thought that was so cute. He's right though, his daddy pretty much can do everything. I'll keep him.

Seth is growing up so fast. He is such a big, husky kid and so cute! He has become quite the handful. We took the kids to see Wall-e on Friday and that was crazy. He loved it for a while and then not so much. He loves to throw his binky as hard as he can and then throw a huge fit because he wants it back. That thing is both a blessing and a curse--I really need to get rid of it soon. Jer and I both had to climb over the row several times to retrieve it. How many adults does it take to keep track of Seth's binky?? I'm not sure but more than two.

Luke working with his dad. He is so proud of his new shovel that Jer got him. He actually put sprinkler heads together and followed Jer around digging for quite a while. He loves those camo boots. If it rains, they are rain boots. If he's working, they are work boots. If he's playing with his friend Max (whose grandpa is a dairy farmer) then they are his "milk" boots or "cow" boots. I would think his feet were really sweaty inside those rubber boots in 100 degree weather!

Just like dad.

Well, that's it for us. I'll give another update once we know the status of our egg retrieval/fertilization. Thanks for all the good lucks and prayers, we really appreciate it.


jami v. said...

jen-i'm so glad things are going well with the ivf stuff... :) we're thinking about you and are anxiously awaiting more updates.

i LOVE all the pictures. i'm always so worried about putting tons of pictures on my blog but i'm so glad when i go to other's and see all the pictures and feel like i'm not so far away because i'm seeing what's going on and how everyone is growing and changing! :) the best photo award goes to luke standing under the sign ... now THAT is funny! :)

Jen said...

I love it when you post tons of pics! Then I can keep up with what you and your family are doing. I just figure this is kind of like a journal and if a post is boring to other people then they can skip it.

Nicole said...

sweet boots! Fun pic's. Your boys are so cute!

Judd Pickett said...

I had camo boots when I was a bit older than Luke and I am pretty sure I wore them through the summer too!

Could uncle Steve possible fit more stuff in his shirt pocket? haha