Monday, July 21, 2008

IVF Update and Memory Tag

Here's a quick update on our IVF cycle. The Lupron shots have been no big deal and at my ultrasound last Thursday everything was suppressed as it should be. Today I started my "stims" which are injections to stimulate my ovaries to make lots of eggs. I now do Lupron, Follistim, and Repronex each day. They are all subcutaneous (that means under the skin--with a small needle) so it's not too bad. The Repronex is a pretty large volume, so it left quite a sting but I was expecting that. The nurses adequately scared me about the discomfort to come with these "stims" this next week or so. Apparently my grape-sized ovaries are about to become grapefruits. (I made that up.) She did say they would get to be about 10X their normal size and that it would be quite unpleasant. Yea for me. I'm actually just excited to be moving along with this process--it's quite nerve wracking and tedious. My tentative schedule for the ER (egg retrieval) will be sometime the middle of next week. Until then it's giant ovaries and no exercise for me. At least I have an excuse. On to something else:

I've seen this on a few blogs and it seems fun. Here are the directions:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together, or one of the first memories you have of me. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

I think this could be fun. Go easy on me though. Some of you could really dish the dirt!


Shera said...

Jen...Good luck with your IVF...I hope everytihng goes well for you!!

And as for the memory tag...Our fam wasn't around too much...but I do remember your wedding. I remember that I loved the dresses you picked out for all of the cousins and I thought that you looked so beautiful!!

jami v. said...

jen-good luck with this week ... hopefully going "grapefruit" on the ovaries :) won't be too painful.

as for a memory, i have some really good ones of us coming to visit your house a LONG time ago, some great college day memories, sitting on the front lawn of mandy's house when you and jer tried to convince me that a blind date with jason would be worth it (who would have thought you were right :)), road tripping when i froze you out, kayak trips sitting in the river to cool off, oh my my list is growing! :) ... but one of my favorites is just sitting around the table with our parents playing cards a very long time ago. too bad our three heads (yours, mine & mandy's) was never enough to win without some card slippage under the table from our moms. :)

jami v. said...

ps- i think i like this tag, because it makes me think of ALL those good memories i have ... so much fun ... and also makes me so grateful for your (and jer's) friendship!! xoxoxo

Michelle W. Nate said...

Sounds like you are doing well with your IVF. Good luck through the ER business. My first memory of you was at Boyd and Cids. We were there for a party and you were pregnant at the time. I thought you were a cute pregnant little thing. Not everyone is that lucky to be pregnant, cute, and little at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Good luck Jen! My memory is of a family reunion at Bear Lake. All of the young cousins all got paired up with an older cousin for competitions. You were my partner, and I thought it was very cool! Haha!

The Wilson Family said...

I second, third, and fourth all the good lucks! I hope it goes well. My favorite memory is a long that meaning it spans a long time. I just remember of the days of me, you and Chatelian...back when things were I loved coming to work cuz you two were so much fun.

Mandy said...

Grapefruit? really? I can't quite imagine that....not fun!! Can I help? How about the boys come play with my kids while you have a nap or something?? I'm so excited...:):)

Memories....where do I begin. Do I have to pick one??? I actually thought about playing cards too, back in the days when we were little. I also have great memories of living in the house on 5th North. Especially the night that those crazy boys filled our house with shredded paper. That was such a fun night! I have also loved watching our boys play and become such good little friends. I love the kickball days and I can't wait to do that all over again!! I love the memory game...we've had lots of great memories...and hopefully we'll have lots more!

jilljohnson said...

Good Luck this week!!!
For the memory many came to mind but the first one was when I was a little girl and I use to come a vist you when you lived in the rental house in Plesant view and all the fun time playing with coco. I have a way cute picture of a day there that helps me remember. For a more recent one I still can remember the joy and tears that came when my mom told me that you were getting Seth!

Nicole said...

grapefruits sound a little uncomfortable....we'll be praying for the IVF!

I think the first time I met you was at your nice wedding reception at your parents...and then at your apartment with your bird dishes (and I think you had a clock). We had a great time when you came to St. L and I'm still feeling bad that Colton was puking all around you guys (and as I recall, I think you weren't feeling so great either.....was it my cooking?!) We think the world (all the good parts) of you guys!!

Wanna-be-Cowgirl (aka Emily) said...

Jen - good luck with the IFV! I hope that it is a success and can't wait to see your family continue to grow. Good luck and keep us posted.

nonnnnnnnnn said...

Jen - Good luck! I can't even imagine the emotion associated with this experience. Wish you the best.

Kristy said...

How can I go without mentioning the sandstorm in Paria when the sand was cemented to our face or skiing new years eve 2000 on that slick ice! Good times. I am excited to plan a trip this fall! Good luck with the IVF! I don't know how I would handle all the needles.