Monday, July 28, 2008

More Than a Dozen Eggs

Last night I uploaded a bunch of cute pics to blog about but haven't quite gotten around to it. That will have to be next post. For now, here's a quick update on our IVF cycle. Today I had an ultrasound and everything is looking great. I have 14 follicles that may get big enough. Right now only three of them are large enough, so I'm continuing with the shots and I have to go back tomorrow for another ultrasound and bloodwork. I'm just glad it worked. I had this horrible fear of going in and them seeing nothing. The doc who will do our egg retrieval is great. She's a woman and one of the few docs there that I've never had, but I've heard really good things about her. So depending on how tomorrow goes our egg retrieval will be Thurs. or Fri. Aside from a really sore stomach, feeling swollen these last few days, and a short-lived emotional breakdown today I've been feeling okay. I haven't had any nasty side effects like some people do. Why is it typing in italics??? I cannot make it stop. Thanks for all the good lucks!


Mandy said...

I'm so glad it worked and I hope that you get pregnant with all of them! :) (I know you won't implant that many...but it would be awesome!) You and Jer could have a show like Jon & Kate plus Eight!! :) Good luck and let me know if I can have the boys while you're making trips to SLC.

jilljohnson said...

best of luck! You are in my prayers. You arean awesome mom and another child would be so lucky to come into your family.

Wanna-be-Cowgirl (aka Emily) said...

Good Luck and I hope everything works out! I hope that you are one of the lucky one's and that you guys are blessed with another baby!