Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Potty Talk

I remember before I had kids seeing this commercial about a lady who must have been a former English teacher or something. After a day spent at home with her baby she says something to her husband about "iambic pentameter-wameter." The point is that she uses baby talk even when trying to have an adult conversation. I have found myself doing this lately, and now I realize Jer has fallen victim as well. Our word is "potty." Today I told Luke and his little friend that I would get them a popsicle after I went "potty." As I was sitting on the "potty" (with the door locked so they didn't join me), I was thinking about how I never use the word bathroom anymore. Apparently Jer doesn't either. The other day he told me and another adult that he would be back after he "used the potty." He was not referring to a port-a-potty but an actual bathroom--I think we have both just forgotten the term. Anyway, it kind of made me chuckle. Maybe we need to get out more????

1 comment:

jami v. said...

hilarious ... and unfortunately i can relate. maybe it's not that you need to get out more, but that you need more friends than a 4 year old and a 1 year old :) (not that they aren't the best of friends, but you know what i mean. :) )